Our Ministries

Starlight Baptist Church is a family oriented church. It is a church where everyone is important, and Christ is Lord of all. Starlight is a place to be accepted and loved. It is a special place to serve our King. Starlight seeks to provide activities for all age groups, with special emphasis placed on children and youth.

Bus Ministry

“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

We love children at Starlight Baptist Church. We strive to reach deep into our community to evangelize all economic classes for Christ. No better way to accomplish this goal than the Bus Ministry

Every Sunday our buses roll through the community picking up children, teens and any who want to attend our morning worship service. Many parents trust us with their children each week.

Here’s what we do…

First, our courteous bus captain will pick up your child at your door. The captain then escorts the children directly to their designated Sunday school class, where friendly and loving teachers receive them. After Sunday school, the children go into a Children, Junior, or Teen church service. The program is tailored to their age level. Special care is taken to meet the children’s spiritual needs. The program includes…Bible Stories, Games, Singing, and many any other activities. After church, all of the children get back on their bus, and their bus captain takes them to the door of their home.

Our current routes…

1. Winter Springs
2. Longwood
3. Casselberry
4. Lake Mary
5. Homeless Ministry – Sanford
6. Assisted Living Center in Longwood
Van – call for information

Homeless Ministry

At Starlight we reach out to everyone. Our Homeless Ministry is one of several ways we reach out in our community. Every Saturday at the Sanford lakefront you will find members of Starlight feeding and witnessing to the homeless of our town. We also minister to this group by picking up any who want to attend for the 9:30 am Worship service on Sundays.

Senior Saints

Our Senior Saints are a vital part of Starlight Baptist Church, and are involved in every facet of our ministry. Our Senior Saints enjoy day trips and overnight outings throughout the year.

Saturday Mornings at 10:00 am
Special Music
Great Preaching
Fantastic Trips
Christian Fellowship


Teen Ministry

People say that teens are the “future church”, although that statement is true, at Starlight the teens are the church of today. The teens of Starlight actively serve in every area and ministry of our church. In the Teens Totally Committed Department we strive to reach the spiritual, emotional, and social needs of each teen through our worship and activities.

Our Purpose

Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

The excitement of youth can become a barrier to glorifying God, when teens focus on earthly pleasures instead of eternal values. It is our goal to assist the parents in developing teens to use their strength(s) in youth to serve Christ. (I Tim. 4:12) We do this by incorporating teaching along with activities to meet these needs.

Our Plan

  • Train teens to grow in their faith
  • Encourage each other in our daily walk with Christ
  • Exalt our Saviour in everything we do
  • Notice the needs of others – meet and encourage them
  • Share the Gospel message to a lost world

Our Program

Bible Teaching/Christian Growth Activities:
Teen Sunday School: Sunday – 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship – 6:00 p.m.
SNAC-Sunday Night After Church activities.
Youth Conferences
Church Camps
Christian Service Activities:
Teen Visitation
Bus Ministry